What makes an Inclusive school statute?
Features of the inclusive statute:
- 1.The statutes of schools define the laws, orders and prohibitions that apply not only to students, but also to the management and teachers.
- 2.The school statute must not violate human rights! (Rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights)
- 3.The school charter must not violate children's rights! (Rights enshrined in the Constitution of a given country and EU laws)
- 4.The school statute must not violate the student's rights! (Rights enshrined in the Education Law)
- 5.The school statute does not override any ordinances, laws or the Constitution and EU laws.
- 6.The statute may not restrict the right to express one's views.
- 7.The statute must not interfere with the appearance or discriminate against students.
- 8.The statute may not allow for a system of penalties that is inconsistent with the education law.
- 9.The statutes must not discriminate against any group of students.
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