Back to Schools in Warsaw - Press Release
📅28/03/2022, 09:50
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

Due to the return to full-time teaching in the school year 2021/22, the most important recommendations for the Warsaw local government and schools in the capital were presented at the press conference. They were developed on the basis of over 20 individual interviews in Warsaw institutions, which lasted from June this year. Their results are included in the report "Warsaw School after the Pandemic" financed by the Education Office of the Capital City of Warsaw. Of Warsaw. The report contains a total of 24 guidelines for preparation for classroom teaching.
Report published
Warsaw School after the Pandemic is a report containing the most important local government assumptions for return to schools in 2021/22. All recommendations were developed in close cooperation with experts and experts - incl. Dorota Łoboda (Chairperson of the Education Committee in the Council of Warsaw), Zofia Grudzińska (leader of the Citizens for Education movement) and Renata Kaznowska (Deputy Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw). Local government recommendations were created on the basis of over 20 interviews with Warsaw schools and on the basis of an expert debate. In total, the report contains 10 guidelines for the city government, 3 for districts and 11 for schools. Thanks to the Warsaw School after Pandemic, the city of Warsaw is entering the new school year prepared for a stationary return to schools.
Open / download the report by clicking here
Local government recommendations
According to the report, ensuring a smooth process of adaptation, integration and well-being
mental health should be a priority in the coming school year. The most important assumptions were included:
active provision of psychological support, and recommended creation of preventive and intervention programs for students at the level of the entire Warsaw.
At the municipal level, the key is also the development of the EduWarszawa platform for contact with institutions and enriching it with a list of programs of non-governmental organizations that can be used by schools.
The city should also put emphasis on equal opportunities between districts - both in terms of equipment and educational programs.
Recommendations for schools
Schools should also place emphasis on the process of integration and adaptation of new years.
For this, the most important thing is:
students in grades 1-3 should have the beginning of the school year as close to normal as possible. According to the opinion of the psychologist Iwona Janus, it is this group that is most exposed to the psychological effects of long-term confinement.
Schools should focus on diagnosing knowledge, not evaluating it. Instead of examinations and tests, knowledge should be diagnosed by design methods of work.
The class scenarios for the educational hour should be enriched with an element of integration and knowledge about mental health, as these two areas have been neglected the most.
The results of the social research
The Warsaw survey was conducted among principals, teachers, students, local government officials and experts from over 20 Warsaw institutions. The results show how important the educational and social role of schools is. Research by the Center for Civic Education shows that as many as 73% of students are dominated by stress, uncertainty and discouragement related to returning to school. The very beginning of the year is therefore all the more crucial, as it ensures conditions for re-adjusting to full-time learning.
Also, at the beginning of distance learning, teachers struggled with numerous difficulties resulting from working with the use of technologies, which they often did not know at all - as many as 47% indicate exhaustion from the period of remote work. They also need support and space for similar adaptation.
Dominik Kuc - coordinator of the Warsaw School after Pandemic, (+48) 518 598 585,
Dorota Łoboda - Chairwoman of the Education Committee in the Council of the Capital City of Warsaw, (+48) 516094450