Training: Statutes to be repaired - pass it on!
📅21/01/2023, 20:17
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

"Statute to be repaired - pass it on!" is a project implemented under the Erasmus+ program. Project activities involved a group of participants, forming two-person teams, attending secondary schools located in Warsaw on a daily basis. On October 20, 2022, we met at the Large Room Studio.
During the training, the participants gained knowledge of the hierarchy of legal acts in Poland, areas that may be covered by the school statute and their impact on the everyday functioning of school communities. The most common mistakes and violations of children's and human rights that occur in Polish statutes are also discussed. Young people also got to know their competences in the field of introducing changes to school laws.
The workshop part, in turn, concerned the practical use of this information. At the beginning, divided into teams, students analyzed sets of tasks consisting of several recipes. Among them, they indicated those that potentially violate their rights - and in what way - and those that they considered exemplary. Then, again divided into groups, they analyzed the statutes of schools of other participants, creating lists of good and bad practices - that is, provisions in line with the competences of the statute, protecting and enforcing students' rights and those that violate them.
As a result, young people gained a set of skills for the analysis and interpretation of legal acts, such as statutes, and - as a result of taking up an important and close topic - they strengthened their sense of agency, allowing them to engage in activities to shape their everyday reality in the school community.