Standards for the protection of minors at the GrowSPACE Foundation
📅15/08/2024, 20:11
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

As a non-governmental organization working with young people, we are introducing standards for the protection of minors. The GrowSPACE Foundation is a responsible institution that supports young people in their development in a safe manner and tailored to their needs.
Due to the Act of 28 July 2023 amending the Act - Family and Guardianship Code and certain other acts (the so-called Act on the Protection of Minors), institutions working with children and young people should develop and have standards for the protection of minors. The purpose of introducing this type of document is to protect minors from harm and to increase awareness among people working with young people in the field of protecting children's rights.
The GrowSPACE Foundation maintains high standards and gradually introduces all members to the knowledge of the standards. Thanks to this, our activities with young people are safe!