Polish School Equality Map - Webinar by Forbidden Colours and GrowSPACE
📅30/03/2022, 17:35
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

During this webinar a report on the impact of the Polish LGBTIQ+ Friendly School Ranking was launched. The evolution of the project since 2018 was discussed.
After the launch of the report, a panel discussed how the Polish LGBTIQ+ School Ranking can facilitate LGBTIQ+ inclusive education across the European Union.
The following guests took part in the panel:
- MEP Cyrus ENGERER (S&D - Malta)
- MEP Moritz KÖRNER (Renew Europe - Germany)
- MEP Kim VAN SPARRENTAK (Greens/EFA - The Netherlands)
- Polish MP Barbara NOWACKA (Civic Coalition).
The Ranking of LGBTQ-friendly Schools is a Poland-wide community research which helps young people to choose a safe, friendly and open school environment. It gives young candidates to high schools additional information about the acceptance of the schools and therefore prevents the homo-, bi- and transphobic situations from happening, and helps schools to have a better idea of the LGBTIQ+ situation in their schools.
The goals are to reach young people with social research, to strengthen the schools that are winning in the Ranking by prizing them with Equality Diplomas as well as to promote the idea of a safe and tolerant school environment that can serve as role-modelling for other schools.
The project received a lot of recognition in Poland and internationally.
This webinar is organised by Forbidden Colours and GrowSPACE.
The organisations thank the Brussels Capital Region for their financial support.