LGBTQ+ Friendly Schools Ranking at EYE2023 in Strasbourg!
📅17/06/2023, 18:23
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

Organized since 2014 by the European Parliament, European Youth Meetings is an event that gathers thousands of young people from all over the European Union and the world in the European Parliament in Strasbourg (and online). It is a unique opportunity for young people (aged 16-30) to exchange views and experiences and discuss topics that are important to us. During two days we had and had the opportunity to participate in a number of debates, workshops and panel classes, organized in cooperation with many international institutions and organizations as well as non-governmental organizations and meet many experts, politicians and activists from all over Europe. We are glad that we could and could be part of this event. We have participated in numerous meetings, discussions and workshops attended by many outstanding people of the European Union, including: Roberta Metsol (President of the European Parliament) and Pina Picierno, João Albuquerque and Reiner Weiland (MEPs), as well as many activists from all over Europe.