GrowSPACE Foundation Statement Regarding the Ordo Juris Guide
📅05/09/2024, 11:37
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

In response to the publication of the guide “When Kasia claims to be Tomek. Legal aspects of gender disputes over pronouns in a Polish school” by the Ordo Iuris Institute, as the GrowSPACE Foundation, with a sense of social responsibility for respecting human rights, we are publishing a statement.
In public space, there can be no consent to overt violations of human dignity and supporting discrimination - especially when it concerns such a sensitive group as transgender students. We have included the specifics of the problems these people have to face on a daily basis, along with a synthesis of their rights, in the recently published guide “The Rights of Transgender Youth in the Light of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”.
You can download the guide “The Rights of Transgender Youth in the Light of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights” here.
The author and authors of the statement are: Robert Lisiewicz - Head of the Foundation's Legal Department. GrowSPACE, Aleksandra Stube - Head of the Psychological Support Department of the GrowSPACE Foundation and Sara Zawadzka - Member of the Psychological Support Team of the GrowSPACE Foundation.