Combating loneliness among children and young people – September 10, International Suicide Prevention Day
📅10/09/2024, 12:51
✍️Zespół Fundacji GrowSPACE

September 10 is International Suicide Prevention Day. On this day, it is worth talking about protective factors, i.e. those that prevent suicidal crises and are able to lead out of a crisis. One of them is good and supportive relationships, which is why the GrowSPACE Foundation is opening a comprehensive program to combat loneliness among children and young people called "Let's connect". With the beginning of the school year, new materials will be available. The "Let's connect" program is financed by the capital city of Warsaw.
The aim of the preventive program "Let's connect" is to counteract loneliness and support good relationships among young people. The effect will be the building of peer support networks among young people. As part of the program, schools and other educational institutions take part in workshops and training. They also receive educational materials to continue activities after the program.
Protective factors
Building awareness and resilience is crucial not only for people who are currently experiencing crises, but also for the entire society.
- When we talk about solving the problem of a suicidal crisis, the first step is prevention. There are many factors that protect young people from crises, including good relationships with peers, a sense of connection and involvement in the school community, and the ability to resolve conflicts and ask for help. - lists Aleksandra Stube, psychologist and head of the GrowSPACE Foundation's mental support team.
- It is worth noting that all of these factors concern the sphere of interpersonal relationships, which often develop in the school space. Education is not only textbook knowledge - it is also the development of resilience and a sense of agency in the child. Actions aimed at combating the problem of loneliness directly translate into improved mental health of children and young people.
"Let's connect" - counteracting loneliness
This year, the GrowSPACE Foundation has set itself the goal of strengthening one of the key factors protecting children and young people from crises. Good relationships and protection from loneliness may prove to be crucial in the teenage group, because during this period much greater value is attached to relationships with the environment.
The GrowSPACE Foundation is launching a program to combat loneliness among children and youth called "Let's connect". This was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Capital City of Warsaw.
The program addresses issues directly related to the skills necessary to build new and deepen existing peer relationships. It includes, among others, issues related to healthy communication, the development of emotional self-awareness, assertiveness and the specifics of building relationships in the online space.
Who can participate?
Schools and other educational institutions from Warsaw can participate until December 2024. You can apply at the following e-mail address: The program will provide the possibility of adapting to the target group and providing additional materials to the teaching staff.
At the moment, institutions outside Warsaw can use publicly available materials in the form of posters and psychoeducational boards as well as educational materials for teachers, educators and school psychologists, which can be a basis for further education and maintaining the effects of preventive actions.
- The GrowSPACE Foundation will expand the scale of preventive activities, because grassroots support for children and young people is still needed. - Comments Dominik Kuc, a member of the Foundation's board. - Self-awareness and psychoeducation are key. Research shows that as our knowledge grows, our resistance to mental crises and our ability to cope with difficult situations also increase. This is especially important at a young age, because young people are a group particularly vulnerable to crises.
Dominik Kuc, 518598585,